Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas decorations in the bhut

I sent Mat a tree and decorations for it and his room. He made it feel a little more like christmas there. He said that it is nice to have some color to his room. Although they do not like them to have Christmas lights up. Its practically forbidden. Its is a fire hazard. if they started a fire the whole bhut would be up in flames in a matter of 3 minutes. then

all of the men would be sleeping out in the cold under the stars. I can only imagine what would happen the the man who burnt down the bhut. Mat says Merry Christmas to all.

Thanksgiving Dinner

This was Mats Thanksgiving Dinner. If you wanted to you would have to be there early. The lines were very long and you could wait an hour or two just to get dinner. They served Lunch and dinner for all. Mat said it was a good dinner but nothing like being home with family on Thanksgiving. And it makes him realize there is much more then he ever imagined to be thankful for.